Pattern Overview


We all have them.
They clutter up our hard drives.
They fill up drawers and closets in sewing rooms all over the world.
They come in pdf and paper versions. 
They even come compiled in magazines or books.

We all feel a little guilty about them.

They find their way into our homes and hearts,
because they are so pretty and we just have to have them. 
We will make lots of projects with them, so they will be worth every penny.

And still they lay there ... gathering dust:


Does this sound familiar?
Then I have a challenge for you!

We are going to tackle them!
And we are going to do it together!
Join the challenge by labelling your creations with #gutapatternchallenge
Feel free to use the logo to tag your pictures.

You can choose your own level of commitment:

You can select a goal for yourself: 

use 1 new pattern every month
use a pattern from every book you own
use a new option every time you use your favorite patterns

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